UKirk Presbyterian Campus Ministry at Virginia Tech
Join us on Tuesdays from 6-8 pm for food, faith, fellowship, and fun!
Cooper House 305 Washington St SW
Look for the Cooper House sign and follow the path to the side door lower level.

We gather every Tuesday night for a free, homecooked meal. After breaking bread together, we spend time in prayer, worship, small group discussion, and fellowship with one another.

Rest & Renew
We offer spring and fall retreats at Camp Alta Mons and attend the annual Montreat College Conference. We love taking time away to explore God's creation, deepen our relationships with one another, and practice sabbath rest.

We engage in creative worship together as a community on Tuesday nights and carpool to local PC(USA) congregations for more traditional worship services on Sunday mornings. We empower students to use their gifts and talents to lead worship throughout the year.

We partner with local churches and nonprofits to serve others through mission and outreach projects both here in our community and abroad. Whether we're stocking food pantry shelves, applying a fresh coat of paint, swinging a hammer, or serving meals, we are intentional about loving our neighbors.

We create community by having fun and spending time together. From board games and movie nights to hikes and bonfires, Bob Ross paint parties to picnics and yard games, there's always something to look forward to!

Throughout the semester, we offer Bible studies, facilitate small group discussions, and host guest speakers as we seek to follow Christ with all our hearts and souls and minds. We invite students to bring their unique perspectives, their questions, their doubts, and their hopes into the conversation as we explore what it means to be people of faith.