About Us
UKirk Presbyterian Campus Ministry at Virginia Tech is a community of students seeking to follow Christ with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love. Together, we eat, pray, play, worship, learn, laugh, serve, wrestle with big questions, and work for a more just world.
The name UKirk means “university church.” It is a reminder that, though we come from all over the world and from all walks of life, God has brought us together through faith and made us family to one another. To learn from and care for each other is part of our calling – a challenge sometimes, but more often a deep and abiding joy.
We are a community where everyone is encouraged to bring their whole selves. We delight in folks with doubts and hard questions. We explicitly celebrate the LGBTQIA+ members of our community. We are committed to the work of anti-racism, and we seek to dismantle the systems, practices, and beliefs that underlie the oppression of people of color. We strive to be a welcoming and affirming community for students from all racial, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds, physical and mental abilities, socioeconomic circumstances, documentation statuses, sexual orientations, and gender identities. Whoever you are, we'd love to welcome you.
Formerly called “Cooper House,” we are a shared ministry of four partner churches – Blacksburg Presbyterian Church, Christiansburg Presbyterian Church, Northside Presbyterian Church, and Roanoke Valley Presbyterian Church – as well as the Presbytery of the Peaks. We are governed by a Board of Directors made up of representatives from each of these covenant congregations. Because of these partnerships, our students benefit from the generous support and prayers of Presbyterians throughout the New River Valley and beyond.
We aspire to be faithful to God, to love others as Christ loves us, and to trust the leading of the Holy Spirit in our life together.